Nokia is famous in mobile company now it launch a new Nokia X series. The screen of Nokia X6 is 3.2 inches with a resolution of 240 by 320 pixels. With mere sliding of the keyboard, landscape format will appear. The QWERTY keys are quite large that is 6 mm high and 8mm wide. Then you have an embedded number pad. The moment you enter the X6 phone dialer, the device automatically defaults. Or else, in order to have access to the number pad, you push a function key.
The Nokia X6 has quite easy to use keyboard. You can tap the keyboard with thumbs, holding the handset in two hands. Another feasible option that you have is to poke with just two fingers, by placing the device on some table. In addition to this, the keypad offers OK, cursor, Tab and Menu keys with Caps and Shift located on a single key. This mobile phone is available in market with contract deals and payg deals. Nokia X6 Contract is available at cheap rates and attractive free gifts.